How do they do it? Every time I see an advertisement for food I ask myself this question, more specifically is how the fuck do advertisers get away with false advertising? You and I know that you never get what is advertised, especially fast food, but where do you draw the line when creating ads that portray products as being so perfect when in reality they are anything but. I know the semantics game is to lure you in to buy their crap but wouldn't it be nice if just once BK or McD's used actual representations of their grub? Cigarette companies had to pull their ads for false representation yet apparently our brainwashed society couldn't care less for we still crave what is uncraveable! Imagine the cars and trucks advertised on the tube were pieces of scrap metal when you arrived at the dealership, or that new video game console is a box full of broken pieces. I love that drug companies need to actually say the side effects of their products when advertised, you know "taking this can cause stroke, severe headaches and serious side effects", why shouldn't the buger joints follow suit?